What would you do if you received a love letter?

September 4, 2008 8:46pm CST
I experienced it before and until now. Well my initial reaction was flattered and happy at the same time because someone admires me. LOL! I am asking this because some would react negatively if they received a love letter especially if this letter comes from their unexpected persons. Some would be shy to the person who gave the love letter. Love is really funny, isn't it?
3 responses
• Canada
6 Sep 08
I think it would be so cute if someone sent me a love letter. But I guess it depends on who sends it as well. If it was someone that just doesn't appeal to you at all or someone not even close to your age I think people wouldn't appreciate it the same or not take it serious at all. But I wouldn't doubt that it would make me smile.
@skbh12 (2946)
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
i think i already have during my elementary days but i lost it. hahaha! now i don't know where it went but i surely did receive a love letter. it felt exciting too and it gave me butterflies on my stomach when i received it.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I guess it depends on the source of the letter. I mean you might end up getting a love letter from a person you think is ugly, can't stand, well you get the notion. I once got a love letter from an ex-boyfriend who had broken up with me a year before I received the letter. I was in a new relationship and I guess he was jealous or something. Anyhow, he obviously didn't take much time to write it. The letter was so poorly written, it made me laugh and say good riddance. Well, that was a long time ago. Still, nowadays love letters are rare. If you receive a nice one treasure it and the person who sent it.