I received my first ever payout from an online earning site. So happy! :)

@eveeee (659)
September 5, 2008 2:20pm CST
Today I checked in with GP treasure and found I had been paid $1.10 for entering 4 offers! I actually tried entering 8 but 4 haven't gone through and it looks like I might need to do them again. I was just starting out, so probably didn't do it properly. I am so happy though, even if it is only a small amount. I am a member of many PTC sites, and a couple of pay to post and GPT sites as well as review sites. IT has all been quite recent for me, in fact I think I signed up for my first site only about 2 months ago, and guess which site that was? Mylot, and through this site I got the inspiration to set up my blog and start reviewing all of the different sites out there. I have been posting, clicking, signing up for offers, reviewing, writing other articles and doing surveys, and GP treasure, one of the GPT sites, hads paid out. I have to update my blog, as I haven't done anything on it for a while, but a big thumbs up for GP treasure. I just need to work out how to do screenshots of paypal to show payment proof. Now I will have a go at doing some more offers. I only did a few to try it out. Its a great feeling getting that first payout The next should be myLot as I have requested my first payout from them and should get it this month. I am also loving the review site and currently am up to $13.20 with them so busy busy busy. Just need to find the time this weekend to finish my assignment for college on Tuesday What was the first site you got paid from and how did you feel? I can't believe I got so excited to see that $1.10 in my paypal account.
1 response
• United States
5 Sep 08
Im a member of treasure trooper I have a referral link on my page its a GPT site as well I have been paid once so I know its legit I get paid again on the 15th of this month. If you want to try another site as well you should check it out. PM me if you have any questions ^_^ And congrats on your earnings! Happy mylotting!
1 person likes this
@eveeee (659)
15 Sep 08
Thanks. I might check it out. Is Treasure Trooper open to UK members? Good to hear it is another legit site. They seem to be few and far between at the moment. Good luck and happy earning.