9/11 here again- part 1

@kassdaw (591)
United States
September 11, 2008 3:18pm CST
I'm a sucker for a good story, a cute love song, and a great conspiracy theory. Here it is, it comes around once a year and I need to bring to light some things that most Americans don't want to believe. I am the type of person that comments consist of "Prove it" "I want proof" or "not possible." All of these seem to fit for some of the 9/11 hijackings, crashes, and sites. I'm not saying that it is only the fault of the government, I'm saying that they knew!Everyone in power had other things to do, none of them were doing their jobs. They left Cheney in charge of the country So that Bush could go read a book to little kids. When Bush was notified of the attack by his Secret Service men, he just looked around and continued reading. No one tried to get him out of there or even just into the bulletproof limo. A newspaper had printed an article on September 8, 2001 which stated that the President would be at a local school. Three days were between, that is three days for the terrorists to plan on flying a 757 into the President of the United States. The only reason that they wouldn't have reacted quickly or at all is if they knew that Bush wasn't a target! Funny little fact: The book he was reading was "The Dog That Didn't Bark." The dog didn't bark because he knew the man, the President didn't react because he knew the plan.
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