Who is your biggest weakness???

September 16, 2008 2:58am CST
In your family, Friends , relatives . people around you, Objects , anything.. . There are so many people. You know so many of them Some give you strength , some are your pure weakness for so many reasons like you care too much about them or you love them too much. Who is your biggest weakness. ??? Who is one person for whom you can do anything in your life??
11 responses
16 Sep 08
Hi geminipunk, There not may people in my life that I will do any thing for but if I have to pick it will be my niece and nephew, I love them to bits. I have a husband but I don't think I can do anything in my life for as he can mnage himself, I love my sister and her kids, I don't have any children in case your wondering. Tamara
@Humbug25 (12540)
16 Sep 08
Hi there geminipunk I would do anything for my kids of course but I do have more or a weakness with one of them than the other 2. I favour him more or love him any more than the other 2 but he is usually such a good and easy child, does what he is told to and things but sometimes I have to punish for something he has done wrong like I do the others but he gets so upset, genuinely upset, because he is 5 he gets 5 minutes time out but I usually cave after 3 or 4!
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
16 Sep 08
Hello,Jemini! My wife is my only weakness because she is my strength and inspiration.Everybody would frustrate me and leave me alone but she will stand by my side in all circumstances.thanx.
• United States
16 Sep 08
my children & grandchildren. they are so special to me & life would not be worth living w/out them.
@seeths (413)
16 Sep 08
I love my son and he is one of the biggest strength for me.Then comes my husband,he is always there and I love him.No matter even if we argue I know that somewhere in my heart he is alwways there and I depend on him. Regards
@srikool (936)
• India
16 Sep 08
hi..for me my family is a biggest weakness and also a biggest strength.i love them so much.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Who is my biggest weakness? Well that would be my kids of course!! That goes without saying really...I'd die or kill for them..
@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
16 Sep 08
my biggest weakness is women, i love them all!
• India
16 Sep 08
I broke up with my bf almost a year back but he is still my weakness, i still love him so much that memories of him just breaks me and weakens me..he still is my weakness.maybe someday i will get over him and this feeling
• Sri Lanka
16 Sep 08
I can say it's my wife. But she is not weakness of mine. She is my stregth. You question becomes valid when you face a situation of dilemma. It depends on the situation again. It could be my wife, my daughter at home. At office it could be my co-workers. It may be my mother or father. Luckily such situations has not occured to me yet and I wish not to.
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Well my biggest weakness whom I also consider as my biggest streangth is my two children. I can say weakness because when there comes a time when I'm out of money to spend for their needs I just cry. When I think that I could not provide them the best thing possible I feel hurt. At the same time they can make me strive harder and also I cannot give up on life because of them because I know they depend on me for support, comfort and understanding. They give me streangth because in trials and afflictions I just look at the face of my babies and I'm relieved especially when they laugh and smile at me. They are my joy and I will do anything for them.