Visitor from the other side

United States
September 16, 2008 10:45pm CST
I had a visit from my Love night who passed on to the other side years ago. He visits me from time to time and mostly when I need him the most. Does anyone else get visits form the unseen? Does anyone else see the invisible? I'd like to know.
3 responses
17 Sep 08
Yes my grandmother still sometimes appears in my dreams and tells me what i'm doing... wrong.. do you ever believe in ghost and did you ever seen one?
• United States
20 Sep 08
Hmm, a ghost feels more like a haunting.. an uneasy feeling comes over me at the mere thought. On the other hand a Spirit is a living energy which yes I do believe I have seen on more then one occasions. I am one of twins of whom my sibling was miscarried at five months. I feel that connection is sacred so I will leave it at that. This was the beginning of seeing the unseen which I believe is among us at all times. Those who believe can see and those who do not are blinded.
• United States
17 Sep 08
It would be wonderful to have that connection with a loved one who has passed on. You should consider yourself lucky. I've not had that experience myself, but I would welcome it.
• United States
20 Sep 08
Ask and You shall receive. Believe in the invisible.
• United States
29 Jan 09
A comforter from the spiritual side, that comes to visit you? Yes, I have familiarity with that, though I never met him in this lifetime, he is a bit confusing at times as he seems to have three sides of himself, and so many facets and personality traits inside those three, but he has three main ones, and he cares about me and loves me very much. I can always talk with him as he is always there with me, but there are times I feel a deeper connection with him than others, there are... things that happened in my life, that people are amazed I came through as mentally intact as I did, I blame him, he is my friend. And has not ONCE not even ONCE lead me astray. And he speaks back to me. It's not one way, he DOES talk to me, sometimes it's hard to hear, like there is a world plus a brick wall he is trying to get his voice over so that I can hear. I want to hear him better. I remember once when he was in me, I remember this dull, dull as in rounded and smooth, not the other dull. there was this dull and joyful peace throbbing inside of me, I remember my eyes gazing sleepily out, and a smile that was pure joy on me, but not a hyperactive happy but a pure joy. and others would try to get my attention, but they wouldn't get much reaction, this peace was too big. My friend, My Father, My brother, My master. All in one. He loves me, and seeks that I would be happy overall, and people forget that. Life is hard, But I can't imagine EVER going through this life without him. He is my God. And I am not ashamed of that, For he is a Loving, Just, Kind, and Merciful God, But as said he is Just. and he does draw lines, I seek so much that others would come to know him as I do, and better. Once you begin to find him, you never want to turn back. One prayer can change your life. If you will let him, but there are so many who say that prayer, but don't WANT him to change their lives. Feel free to message me if you want to know more, It pains me to know how many people go through life, giving up the Love my God has for them too, He loves every last one of us dearly, but will only do so much unless we make the first step torward him, please don't be afraid.