
United States
September 18, 2008 5:47pm CST
My 16 yr old daughter got into a fight, today. Was suspended for 5 days. The other two girls got 3 days. They have been calling her nasty names and trying to get her to fight for 2 wks, now. I've been trying my best to discourage it. How long do you put up with the nasty rumors being spread and the verbal abuse? She did do right by speaking with the administrator and counselor at school on numerous occasions. Is ever ok to fight? She doesn't see them outside of school, so she didn't have the choice to do it out of school. She confronted them about this this morning, asking if they wanted to fight. But the one girl swung first. I don't get why.....she gets into a fight with two other girls (at one time), they start it and egged it on....and she get more suspension. I have to say....I'm totally against fighting, but I am proud that she stood up for herself, at the same time. What are your thoughts?
3 responses
• United States
19 Sep 08
Oh, sunshine, it sounds more and more like what I went through with my girl. The last year she was in school, it felt like I had her at home more than she was in school. It really stinks that your daughter got more suspension than the two girls who had been egging her on and pushing her into it. If you think it would be worth it, you could file a protest with the school over the length of her suspension, especially since she tried to resolve the problem in other ways first.It never worked for me, but it is an option. I always told my daughter to walk away from a fight whenever she could and to never ever be the one to suggest a fight or to throw the first punch, but if someone else started whaling on her, she had my permission to hit as hard as it took to get away from them. Considering what's gong on with her, sunshine, is she getting any special services from the school? Our district has special services for kids who are tagged "emotionally troubled". They include smaller classes and a clinician who works just with the kids in those classes. That program was probably what kept my girl in school till her senior year. She eventually left school before graduating, by the way, and got her GED six months before she would have graduated last year. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, honest. Hang in there.
• United States
20 Sep 08
Yes...they have a therapeutic day counselor at the school. My daughter has been involved with this counseling since last year. It helps a lot. This is the counselor that she sought each time she felt the urge to fight. She is actually supposed to graduate this year. She's in 11th, the first half and a senior the second half of the year. She is realizing (maturing, I guess) that she needs to stay out of trouble and work hard to achieve this. I did try to call and speak with the administrator whom handled this fight and the punishment. He just happened to be out today. I will be meeting with him first thing Monday morning. Thanks for your words of wisdom and the encouragement. It doesn't go unnoticed or under-appreciated. Sincerely, Sunshine
• United States
19 Sep 08
That is horrible! I don't understand why kids are so mean these days. I am 20 years old and i was NEVER like that in school. I think it is good that your daughter stood up for her self. It isn't right that she talked to the administrator and counselor though and they did nothing about it. Those two other girls should have been suspended for the same time if not longer then your daughter because they are the ones who did start the fight. Hopefully when your daughter goes back to school things will calm down and the girls will just leave her alone. I really hope things get better for her!
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@chengbeb (285)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Their are times when enough is enough. I have a daughter and she's only eight. She gets pick on everyday because she has chinky eyes. She's often teased in school and sometimes she is physically abused in a small way. Whenever she comes home and tells me that her classmates did this I would often make it a point to speak with her class adviser and if it doesn't work I personally talk to the other kids mother. Although I don't tolerate fights I still advise my daughter to stand up on what she believes is right. If she's being bullied to much to the point that she's getting hurt I tell her it's either she fights back or tell someone authoritative about it.
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