Fast is not the word for it. Insane is more like it.

@talker96 (154)
United States
September 19, 2008 4:05am CST
I met a girl 2 weeks ago. Went on our first date last Friday. Slept with her Sunday. By tonight we are practically living together considering she's at my house every night.......Oh Sh#@, what the hell am I doing? This always happens to me. I, for some reason, always seem to find the girls that want to go way to fast, and I'm not talking sexually(I'm cool with that part going fast) I'm talking, marriage, kids white picket fence, two car garage kind of fast. Am I alone with this kind of thing. Are there any other MyLotters that always fall in to the same kind of trap? Girls and boys need to reply.(girls especially, message me, we'll talk) l.o.l
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4 responses
• Malaysia
20 Sep 08
Maybe if u didn't sleep with her so soon, things might have been a little slower.
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• United States
22 Sep 08
Haha, I have to agree.
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@msmell (1378)
• Australia
19 Sep 08
Hi Talker, I fully relate to what you are saying here as this has also happened to me! No it wasn't quite as quick as 2 weeks but it wasn't much longer then that either! And STUPID me was too soft at the time and didn't want to hurt his feelings and just let things take their course because I thought oh it won't last too long and he will see that I am a total b*t*h to live with and leave on his own and I won't be hurting his feelings! WELL let me tell you that didn't happen at all it is now nearly 7 years later and he is still here!!!!! And before you ask yes I have sat down twice with this guy and I have told him that I am not in love with him and that I don't want to be with him and his answer to that was .... Well I love you so this will work!!!!! it is like hitting your head up against a brickwall, I mean how could this guy want to live with someone who doesn't love him and he knows this and he says to me all the time "You don't love me do you" ... Oh DUH Anyway sorry the point to my waffling on and on is that GET THE H*LL OUT while you still can before it is too late and you are stuck in relationship that you are not happy in but you can't leave because they make you feel so guilty ...!!!!!
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• United States
19 Sep 08
Ack! That -is- fast. The thing is that if this keeps happening consistently, it's not just them that's going too fast. If it's too fast for you (and it should be!)you need to learn how to put the brakes on. Like - be too busy for her to be there every night. Or tell her that things are moving too fast, that you like her but you're not ready for this much closeness yet. I wish you luck!
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• United States
19 Sep 08
wow! Do you think that you're possibly sending the signals without realizing it? I know my fiance talked about all these things when we started dating a year and a half ago. But, I think things went a little too fast. We are only living together at the moment. The key may be not to be so open so fast. Don't raise any expectations. Let them know how you feel and what your'e in a relationship for. Careful how you word it, as to not give the wrong impression. Good luck and pm me, if ya want.
@talker96 (154)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Sunshine, I always appreciate your responses. Plus your name just makes me smile. Here's the deal, I'm not open at all, if anything i'm a closed book. I think the problem is I'm to good of a listener and to easy to talk to. I have had so many women tell me I'm "not like other guys" when it comes to us just talking. But the problem is, usually, I don't care about what they are telling me. Yes it sounds bad, but in all honesty, I've heard different variations of the same story at least 40 times. It all becomes a bit boring and repetitive. I don't mean to lead anyone on and I certainly do not mean to hurt anyone emtionally but it always happens.
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