LISP, everyone?

October 9, 2008 2:43pm CST
This is one heck of a question... Anyone had an experience with LISP? (It's a programming language.) I need to ask this because this is something that cannot be just learned from ebooks, you really need someone to show you how to compile. And I don't know how to. I kind of got haskell quickly (though I totally forgot it by now) so I think I can handle LISP, but the thing is I don't know where to start. Anybody who can lend a hand out where to start? A very good ebook could suffice(as I really can't find an ebook anywhere, is LISP really that old?). have a nice day.
1 response
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
Hey! I took up some LISP back when I was in college. It's a pretty confusing language because of all the parentheses you have but it's a pretty good recursive language. You might want to check this site out: It looks like a pretty good place to start.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
Wow, thanks man. Cool. I want to learn LISP because I saw a job in a freelance site that offers $1600 for 200hrs worked in a month. And of course I want to learn other programming languages as well. I know the practice should be to focus on one to two languages, but I can't help but wonder what LISP really offers. Have a nice day.