what to do....

United States
October 12, 2008 11:40pm CST
i have a friend and she is my best friend since forever. she was staying with me and my fiance and her boyfriend was too. her boyfriend was doing weekends in jail at first but he lied to the judge and got straight time till october 2nd 08. meanwhile my friend was still staying with me and she ended up cheating on him with another guy. not at my house of course. but she ended up moving out and i still saw her every now and then. but now that her ex-boyfriend is outta jail she doesnt come around much cuz he doesnt know how to keep his mouth shut. he gets all fussy and acts pissed about her cheating when it only took a day after he got outta jail to get with a new girl and tell her he wants to be with her forever. anywayz my point is how can i get her to come around with him here? she is still my bff no matter what she did so what do i do????
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1 response
• United States
13 Oct 08
Does her ex have to live with you and your fiance? If not, I'd tell him that he needs to find another place...sooner than later. However, if he does have to live there with you, then perhaps you could meet at a cafe or a park, some place where she feels welcome. Sounds like you're all in a pretty tough jam. Give her some time so that eventually things will cool down between them and it won't matter so much in the future what past wrongs were done, who's to blame and la-de-da. Because maybe then she'll feel more comfortable visiting with you at your place with him there. It's really late, so I hope this post makes sense. Good luck with your friend.