What reward do you give your child in recognition for his/her achievements?

@mayrah (1144)
United States
October 13, 2008 11:00am CST
Parents usually give support and encouragement for their child in whatever good things they do. Some parents motivate their child to develop and express their talents by giving them what they need for that particular talent, for example buying guitar or piano organ for their child who show interest in music. other parents show support on their child by giving whatever they wish after receiving honors in school. How about you? How do you recognize you child's accomplishment?
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4 responses
• India
13 Oct 08
I don't have a kid,infact I am not married even Well in future when my child achieves something,I would pat him on his/her back and kiss on his/her forehead. Will also get him/her if he asks for something and would advise him/her to remain humble always irrespective the level of achievement. Wil ask him to aspire more. I feel more than gifting,caring words will make them feel much better. Cheers
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Me too I don't have kids yet. But I'm sure when I have I will be supportive to them and practice a balance way of nurturing them. I want to have a smart, intelligent and God-fearing children someday.
• India
13 Oct 08
Gud luck friend I bet u'll get the best child since I'm sure u'd be the best mom!!
@rainmark (4302)
13 Oct 08
When i was kid and on my nursery and gradeschool. My parents always gave me a rewards everythime i get accomplishments at school. She buy my 100 score from the test from a 1 peso and that's additional to my school allowance. Then if i got an award on graduation day she bought me a nice pair of clothes and shoes. So that's really helps me to do better at school coz i know i will get rewarded.
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
13 Oct 08
So far, my kids are too small to be getting any honors but when they do something I'm proud of the first thing I do is hug and kiss them and say how proud I am of them. Later when we go out shopping they might have something(not very expensive) that they want. And I make sure to tell family and friends about it in front of them, so they know that I'm really proud about them.
• Norway
13 Oct 08
I have two kids sometimes they pass a lot of time with each other and they behave like an angels.But sometimes they be like in a war fighting all the time.Just to stop them I give them punishments like don`t watch their favourite tv programme. But I`ll be very happy when they go well at school they help each other in their homeworks and I`ll be very proud of them in that moment so honestly I use to ts=ake them out in their favourite place or buy them a suitable toy which is educational