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cern experiment - cern experiment- big bang
@tickapa (331)
October 21, 2008 6:21am CST
What do you think about this experiment? Do you think the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) do a good thing when trying to figure out what happened after the Big Bang ( U are afraid that black holes may appear in large size and the earth may disappear? More about the experiment of century:
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1 response
@BubblyIan (750)
21 Oct 08
I think it is a complete waste of money. I can see absolutely no purpose in some of the best minds of our generation wasting their energies looking at this issue. It is impossible to prove one way or the other. And do most people care? Even if they were able to prove the ridiculous notion that 'in the beginning there was nothing - which exploded' - would it change the views of anyone who believes that the universe was created by God? I think not. WOuld it affect new products? No. Would it impact on our ordinary lives? No. Unlike many branches of research, this is a waste. But I am curious about the result of course!