how do you spend your spare time?

@cathya (704)
October 24, 2008 5:01am CST
because of the fast moving life that we have everyday; because we're loaded with our works, pressure from the people arround us, conflicts and issues we need to resolve, we tend to forget to seat back and relax. because of the loads we have, we only have few remaining hours for ourselves. but the question is, are you using your spare time wisely?
3 responses
• Philippines
24 Oct 08
on my spare time i update my profiles here in the internet and visit myLot. i listen to music and watch movies alot. i love to play games online and just enjoy myself on things that has no sense. hehe..
@cathya (704)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
hahaha maybe it sounds non sense but if you come to think about it, it has a lot of sense coz you enjoy doing those staff ryt?
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
24 Oct 08
I am fond of reading and listening to music. So I spend most of my spare time sitting in front of my pc and do lot of surfing. I do spend good time on mylot too. I am fond of mylot as it provides good way to exchange the view with others. I have a good collection of Indian classical light music. I do not have good knowledge about light classical music but I do enjoy it a lot. So whenever I get the time, I switch to my computer.
• Singapore
24 Oct 08
I hardly have any spare time usually. Im busy with studies , project and lots of other stuff. Usually i will spend my spare time with my family, friends or do some surfing online. Its true that the pressure from the world out there is alot but i guess as long as we spend our spare time wisely , theres nothing much to regret. I have spend my spare time wisely, im glad to say.. How about you guys?