Watch on left Hand or right Hand ......?

October 30, 2008 12:41am CST
i am using the watch on my left hand. but sometimes i have seen people waering it on there right hand. What about You?share your experience. Prince Sad
2 responses
• Qatar
30 Oct 08
Some left handed prefer to wear a watch on their left wrist and need to controls on the right side and a lot of left handers find it easier to read a backward face i prefer on my left hand..... Happylotting Prince
• United States
10 May 09
as a lefty i have always worn my watches on my right hand. for one i cannot use my other hand to get it onto my right wrist, i have tried without success to get the clasp on. i have slipped a watch on with an elastic type band once but it felt very strange so there is where that effort ended. lastly speaking as a lefty regardless of which hand the watch is worn on the face is never "backward" the only way you could do that would be to look at the image in a mirror, e.g. the 9 is always on the left regardless. no matter though, in the long run all that is of consequence is what you feel more comfortable with. i must add that i do have regular comments from people asking why i wear my watch on my right hand, i even have one long time friend who every time we meet up makes a comment about it "being so weird" that i wear my watch on what he terms as my "other hand." have a pleasant day, night or whatever :)
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I always wear a watch on my left wrist and I have noticed that almost all right handed people do. Must be more natural to look to the left when you want to see the time. Or, look to the right if one is left-handed.
• Pakistan
30 Oct 08
hi friends i think you are right. all the right handed persons wear the watch on there left rest and all the left handed people used there right hand to wear the watch. You have a nice Experience ha. Prince Sad