How many hours do you sleep a day?

@zoneday (142)
November 1, 2008 8:34pm CST
Averagely, do you sleep 8 hours a day or more than that a lot? I found my sleeping schedule is quite messy, I don't sleep and wake up at the same time for everyday. I have no idea how much i sleep a day. This is not healthy, but is hard to control. Anyone have any idea to help me?
2 responses
• China
2 Nov 08
Eight hours is very enough to me.
• United States
2 Nov 08
I sleep probably 4 hours a night on weekdays, and with naps during some days. Its been a bad habit and I'm trying to correct it. Naps make me feel like I've wasted a lot of the day but I can't focus on work without them. I'm sure I can fix them soon though. They affect my weekends, where I get 12 hours +... so last night, I had 11. Good luck with fixing your sleeping schedule. I know that TV and computers are stimulants and I've heard you should not be watching or using them an hour before going to bed, but I haven't followed that advice unfortunately.