Is it true that opposites poles attract?

November 5, 2008 10:32am CST
Will you break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend just because you advocate different religious beliefs like you are a Christian and the other is an anti-Christ or vice-versa?
1 response
• United States
26 Dec 08
It is more likely that the other person would end the relationship with me. I am Pagan, although more in belief than in practice, and I can understand how that would be hard for a heavily devout Christian to cope with. While our core beliefs are probably very similar (kindness, forgiveness, caring, etc), we don't believe in the same "higher power" and Christians (because that is the example used above) are very focused on the role of God, and Jesus, in their lives. I think that extreme differences in religious beliefs, or values of any kind, can create difficulties in a relationship which may or may not be something the couple can work through.