I am sad, Its difficult to spoon my kid

@rkrish (3003)
November 10, 2008 12:41am CST
Hi Friends, My 8 months kid is not opening her mouth to take food. When we start providing biscuits,cerelac (baby solid foods)..she is not openning her mouth, She normally used to have this food as per the recommended quantity but in last 2 days she is refusing a lot to have and shout us back with her cute words..booo...waawaaa..aiyoaiyo What can i do
6 responses
@carmela0210 (1591)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
hahahah, same with my niece, kids at that age are like that, and thats normal, try changing her/his milk and the food you feed to her/him, it would make a big difference!!or get a vitamin that would boost her/his appetite, my sister is like that, she tries so many things just for her baby!!happy lotting...
@rkrish (3003)
• India
10 Nov 08
She is taking food but i need to make all those magics to make her eat but really the quantity has got reduced and let me try the idea of giving vitamin. And its great you know all the ways to bring up your children now itself...
@rkrish (3003)
• India
10 Nov 08
Well its a human insticts of loving kids and their actions too..its unvaluable...hope to see a wonderful mother coming up in short time as well..keep lotting
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
i really love kids, i usually borrow my nieces from my older sister to bring in our house and look after them thats why i know many things about kids, actually im practicing so that when i have my own i know what to do already,heheheh,
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
patience is always the key with kids. try to eat something or pretend eating whst you want to feed him. show your child that you are going to open your mouth wide so she can imitate. monkey see monkey do. maybe your child does not like the food so you can find something that he would like. or maybe her tooth or teeth are coming out. this is painful for them thats the reason why she does not like to open her mouth. i have a son his pictures appears at the avatar. he loves food but he slows down whenever he has a fever or if his gums are aching for the teeth are starting to come out.
@rkrish (3003)
• India
10 Nov 08
Well said my friend, let me improve my patience and make my love to work more with her to feed. Thanks for your sharing
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
i do agree with you se7enthbird, PATIENCE....
@rkrish (3003)
• India
11 Nov 08
Thanks a ton, I carried my kid in my arms and just i had some spoons and after that she also started having some few of it. Actuall she is hungry but not tempted to have...but now seems to be manageable by your ideas
@subha12 (18441)
• India
10 Nov 08
i think she is geeting bored from these food. also it can be , she is not liking to eat. you can change the food and see if she takes it. still if she does not, condult doctors.
@rkrish (3003)
• India
10 Nov 08
Out of the regular 3 foods we changed one with new kind say apples/cherry and others are old as well. But she doesnt have all 3 thats y we are panic. let try for other 2 days or need to go to doctor
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
10 Nov 08
Maybe she is not feeling well. You could do well to take her to see a child specialist. Not eating for 2 days is big. Are you feeding her too much milk. If so, then cut down on milk and she will start eating when she feels hungry. Change the diet. Give her some mashed potatoes with butter, or mashed banana with a little honey and milk. Make eating a play and she'll love it. Good luck pal. We all need it with babies.
• Israel
12 Nov 08
Never give an infant honey. Corn syrup or other sweeteners are ok, but honey can cause health issues.
@rkrish (3003)
• India
12 Nov 08
but in my places all the old peoples are giving honey as medicine too for kids and they says its protecting them in huge way as well.
@rkrish (3003)
• India
10 Nov 08
she takes 75% of the normal quantity but after that she makes our life miserable to feed the balance and really we are providing the right diet, but she started noticing how we are having the food and she wants to take it in plates and spoon by her own
@aswathj (177)
• India
10 Nov 08
Ok its normal.. You try Nila nila odi vaa song.. Changing the food with new taste.. And you can take advice from Grandma's they do some Patti vaithiyam..
@rkrish (3003)
• India
10 Nov 08
How many songs even in sleep i am singing songs..let try with patti vaithiyam
@nadooa247 (1096)
• United States
10 Nov 08
when my cousin had that problem she would get her other daughter and say this is yummy look how she is eating she is a good girl... none for you (looking at the other girl). Kids get jealous of one another and will eat if they see others eating as well... it just takes some time... did you take her to a doctor? my other cousin's son refused to eat for a while turned out his tooth was causing him pain which made him to refuse to eat.... update us and let us know if she ate or not ;) Best of luck!
@rkrish (3003)
• India
10 Nov 08
I think she may have problem of upcoming teeth and let me check out in that way with doctor as well and really we tried in all ways of making her to have food. Thanks for your response my friend