my daughter is getting straight A's!

my daughter - My oldest baby girl Tristah!
United States
November 18, 2008 10:56am CST
I am so proud of her!!!Any ideas for an incentive so she keeps it up?I never had grades like this nor had i ever had anyone to make sure i had good grade so this means so much to me!!I can't help but share in the exitement of this.I truely believe it is because i am there to encourage her.None the less it makes me very happy!Makes me feel like i got an A too!
4 responses
@roo2605 (40)
18 Nov 08
By all means praise her, but don't pressurise her. If she drops a few grades, don't sound disappointed in her. My parents have made it quite clear to me that they wont be happy if i dont get a 2:1 in my degree. I got a pretty rubbish result for one piece of coursework and they turned round and said 'well, you could've done better,' despite my struggling over it and found it so hard to complete.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Nov 08
thanks i needed to hear from someone who had the same view she might have.i just encourage her no matter and i know she will go far.I am so proud of her and happy for her.Thanks again and happy lotting.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Congratulations to her! Just keep praising her and being there for her. As long as she has the support from you I'm sure she'll do just fine.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Nov 08
thank you so much for the response and i feel the same.i know she will do well and benifit in life also.I am so proud of her!
@Shar1979 (2722)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Congratulations to her! I am a mother myself so I know how it feels like when our kid is being excellent in school. Just be there for her. As far as incentives, maybe a bit of a gift would be nice. Clothes or money instead.
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• China
20 Nov 08
At first,I think I should congratulate you have a nice girl,you are a happy mother,I think,you must be agreee with me,at the same time,I hope a few years later,my future daughter also will be outstanding like your little girl. Besides,in my heart, I believe you are a beautife mother,OK?
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