do you know about Linux?

November 8, 2006 1:24am CST
Linux Linux (often pronounced LIH-nuhks with a short "i") is a Unix-like operating system that was designed to provide personal computer users a free or very low-cost operating system comparable to traditional and usually more expensive Unix systems. Linux has a reputation as a very efficient and fast-performing system. Linux's kernel (the central part of the operating system) was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. To complete the operating system, Torvalds and other team members made use of system components developed by members of the Free Software Foundation for the GNU Project. Linux is a remarkably complete operating system, including a graphical user interface, an X Window System, TCP/IP, the Emacs editor, and other components usually found in a comprehensive Unix system. Although copyrights are held by various creators of Linux's components, Linux is distributed using the Free Software Foundation's copyleft stipulations that mean any modified version that is redistributed must in turn be freely available. Unlike Windows and other proprietary systems, Linux is publicly open and extendible by contributors. Because it conforms to the Portable Operating System Interface standard user and programming interfaces, developers can write programs that can be ported to other operating systems. Linux comes in versions for all the major microprocessor platforms including the Intel, PowerPC, Sparc, and Alpha platforms. It's also available on IBM's S/390. Linux is distributed commercially by a number of companies. A magazine, Linux Journal, is published as well as a number of books and pocket references. Linux is sometimes suggested as a possible publicly-developed alternative to the desktop predominance of Microsoft Windows. Although Linux is popular among users already familiar with Unix, it remains far behind Windows in numbers of users. However, its use in the business enterprise is growing. Linux is a contraction for Linus' Unix; the short i sound preferred by most (including Torvalds) derives from the Swedish pronunciation of Linus.
14 responses
• India
8 Nov 06
YA I LIKE LINUX.................Linux has a reputation as a very efficient and fast-performing system. Linux's kernel (the central part of the operating system) was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. To complete the operating system, Torvalds and other team members made use of system components developed by members of the Free Software Foundation for the GNU Project.
@tmnjyk (3486)
• Canada
8 Nov 06
I think, one doesn't have to be a computer engineer to do that, maybe he just use it on the daily basis and research it...I don't know...not sure, but anyone can learn about it by searching about it online too.
@tmnjyk (3486)
• Canada
8 Nov 06
Wow! that's very informative! I can see that you know a lot about computers. hehehe.
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
tnx 4 you did you know that??? r u a computer engineer???
@macubx (11414)
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
ah isang noob.. fresh meat.. thanx sa info...
@tmnjyk (3486)
• Canada
8 Nov 06
ano ba yan? ano? noob? what does it mean?
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
tnx also 2 ur response....muah...
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
tnx also 2 ur response....muah...
@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
it is what i am using as my os right now with this particular pc, a red hat linux which is recompiled by some group here in baguio. greetings. : )
@tmnjyk (3486)
• Canada
8 Nov 06
Do you like it? I heard they have a different word processor, do you find it easy? how's ur experience using Linux?
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
really????so it wasnice 4 u... am i right???? tnx 4 ur response.... GOD bless.............
@justnitya (1392)
• India
8 Nov 06
linux is just too cool,,i never use windows in my pc now
@tmnjyk (3486)
• Canada
8 Nov 06
really? do you find Linux easier than windows? personally which one do you prefer?
• Romania
8 Nov 06
I was using only linux too, and i don't fell too need any windows. But at my job, i only have windows... Anyway, linux is very nice operating system.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
8 Nov 06
that is a lot of info on linux.personally i still prefer the windows.and the utopian dream of having a free alternative to windows is just that "an utopian dream". becuase in todays corporate world,only one thing rules the roost and that's "profit".
@tmnjyk (3486)
• Canada
8 Nov 06
hahaha..ok..ohh, you're back again:) welcome to mylot scorpio, I always want to respond to your discussion, but I find it difficult to respond to most of your discussion. Make it easier for us that is not sooo intelligent as you.. hahah. You have a great day!
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
tnx 4 ur response....well ur right but its much com4rt bcoz... u can download it throug internet...
• United States
8 Nov 06
I know very little abt Linux... Its a free based Operating System ... but.. it competed with Windows very well..
@tmnjyk (3486)
• Canada
8 Nov 06
oh, really? good!
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
yah ur right...tnx 4 responseing....GOD bless...
• India
8 Nov 06
i don't known in Linux
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
@tmnjyk (3486)
• Canada
8 Nov 06
Oh, I don't know about Linux dear. Haven't really tried it, but I have heard it is the best thing to have if you are out of budget to buy windows. I've heard its free. You must be learning all of these in your school gurl!
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
hai ate__^^^u should know it also bcoz ur using a computer windows it much easier coz its free and u can download it through your pc....
• India
8 Nov 06
• Philippines
8 Nov 06
@Undefeated (4788)
• Singapore
13 Dec 06
Wow ! thats cool ... I just know the basic ...
• India
15 Nov 06
linux - 'li'ke or 'li'ft, how to pronounce?
• Pakistan
13 Dec 06
wellll.... i know server management on linux andsystem administration also
• Singapore
18 Dec 06
Yes i have heard about linux.
@nityam (138)
• India
18 Mar 07
Well in short Linux Operating syustem was developed by Hackers, Group of hackers, which was then made publically made free Operating system. Its similar to Unix only difference is that Unix is not at all a free OS but Linux is .