What do u love about mylot?

@zabawaus (1730)
United States
November 30, 2008 2:10pm CST
Besides this site is paying for posting, one other reason i love this site is very up-to-date site. If i need an answer i just write on search part and find lots of posts from people who has actually idea , or experienced the issue. Like lets say i want to purchase a product i write it down and read peoples experiences . This is cool! What do u guys love about this site ?
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3 responses
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
30 Nov 08
I love how active this forum is. Beuase if this forum wasnt active it would be very hard to post and I probally wouldnt post as much which means it would be hard to make money. Sine im apart of is not that active but thats why I love this forum.
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@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Yes it is great how active this forum is. It is almost like a search engine! Thank you for your answer
@meow1978 (190)
• Malaysia
30 Nov 08
I agreed with you but sometimes no one response on the thing that I have asked. Maybe too many rubbish discussion that people have started. I think I better just response on other post rather than start new post. Yeah, in myLot, I can learn about new thing today. Mostly about life and parenthood. I see a lots of parent is in this site earning some site income. I just join for fun and hope to earn some extra cash to spend on the web. Happy mylotting...
@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Yes you are right , it happens to me too, sometimes i need a quick answer and probably it goes down and no body sees it ,Thats why having a big friend list is handy at these times.If i cant get any answer to my question I search it first and if there is no discussion about it i open a discussion! Thank you for your reply
@Optimize (201)
• Canada
30 Nov 08
Well the thing i love most is the getting paid part :p but since you said besides il say my other favourite things. I guess the best part is theres Always something to talk about, always a way to get your opinions on things heard, lots of nice people to make friends with. happy mylotting !
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@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Hi optimize, I totally agree with you, thats also great to have interests part so that u can pick what ever you wanna discuss . Thank you for your respond