Need my space

United States
January 11, 2009 2:50pm CST
Oh my god I feel like i'm being suffercated when ever I ask my parents if Patrick could spend the night for my sweet sixteen they automatically asume I wanna do the dirty with him. Which is wachked because i'm on these birth controle pills and they won't let me do nothing and my mom says she wants so be my best friend but when I bring it up she becomes agravated and whatever I feel like writtin these blogs are the only way to gettin through to her. And I wish she would understand that my boyfriends hormons arn't the one's that going crazy it's mine. And if I havent done nothing yet then i'm not going to but she never understands and I hate that I feel like this is the only way to talk to her. ugh and writing this blog is probably just a waste of time. because shes just gonna read this bulletine and freak out so ugh I give it up and have decided that from now on i'm just gonna do me. Straight Viben.
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