Hammond Organs, Drawbar-Keyboard Organs, Leslie Speakers, Hammond XK3,...

United States
August 25, 2006 4:05pm CST
Im looking to buy a Hammond Organ, or more particulary a Hammond XK3 Drawbar Keyboard organ. I want to get the closest thing I can get to the warm organ sound. Also, I do not know what speakers to get for this keyboard organ or organ, and I dont want to spend too much money, just what ever is necessary. I want to know what goes with what, and how to add on to the speakers, like reverb effects, and everything else I should know about Hammond Organs and Leslie speakers, before I make my purchase. There are a ton of Hammond Organs and Leslie speakers out there, but I do not know what goes with what. Help me figure out what to do. I have very little innformation on organs and the speakers, but I LOVE the sound of organs.
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