So Tell Me, Do You Think They Will Actually Listen??

@rodney850 (2145)
United States
February 2, 2009 12:54pm CST
On January 27-28 the Rassmussen report conducted a survey of American support for the proposed "stimulis" porkage. They reported their findings as support for the porkage down 3 points from the last survey. It doesn't take an accountant to figure out just how badly this pork riddled bill will affect our country and her economy. Most American taxpayers who have to live by a budget can do it real easily and it comes up smelling fowl every time. Here is a link to the story about the Rassmussen report:
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4 responses
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Rodney850, don't you know donkeys are deaf? I got into an argument with my brother and he told me it was 'all Bush's fault', so now Obama was gonna fix it.*sigh*.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Fortunata, It's not really their fault, they were all blinded by the Obamalite and thought they were voting for the "messiah". I believe Obama may be finding out a great many things about Washington that he probably would have found out eventually had he chosen to spend more than 180 days as an Illinois senator. The harsh reality is; Washington may be known by many names but "change" is not one of them!
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
2 Feb 09
No, they won't listen. Obama wants to be perceived as a go-getter and somebody who gets things done. He is not an economist, in fact knows very little about economic functions. He pompously surrounded himself by 'experts' in the field, who probably all told him to do this and that and it might have somewhat made sense. It looks to me like the Obama team grabbed a couple of things that seemed to sound real good on paper, put some fluff around it, and ran with it without ever checking whether or not the 'theory' might even work. They grabbed a figure out of thin air in terms of what this will cost and tried to bury some pork in it that just needed to be distributed. And now it has to be pushed through, because it's Obama's little brain child and it just can't be that his very first big important idea would fail or greatly altered to the point that he can't really claim it to be his anymore.... Once in Washington D.C., especially in the White House, people really seem to get out of touch with reality....
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Jonesy, I'm afraid we are about to find out the hard way just how unprepared Obama was and is for the presidency. The bad part about this is the ones who saw right through him are going to get to pay the consequences along with the Obamalites!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Feb 09
No, they won't listen. The democrats think that they can do whatever they want to, and then blame it all on the Bush Administration... after all, it has worked pretty good so far. The very people that caused the problems in the first place are the one's who are now supposedly going to fix it. None of this needed to happen, but the democrats would not listen when both Bush and McCain tried to warn them. The economy was doing good at the end of fiscal 2006, but got into trouble soon after the democrats regained control of Congress. This fact is not a coincidence.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Destiny, How right you are! We are in a recession/depression caused by the democrats and their "give away" politics and the solution they come up with is just another round of give aways! This economic "stimulis" porkage will do nothing but extremely exacerbate an already terrible situation!
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• China
2 Feb 09
Here one big principle about economics. The well being of the economy is based on people's confidence. When people feel confident about the economy, they will go out and spend their money, which means more income for firms to pay wages. If people are not confident and thrift, firms will have to cut the employees in order to maintain a safe finacial situation. Democrats can't just blame it all on the Bush Administration. If they don't do the right thing for the country, they still will lose the 2010 congressional election or even the 2012 presidential election. I think the stimulis package contained so much spending which doesn't actually serve to stimulate the economy. I have no idea what kind of impact the package will have on people's confidence. Let's hope it will go good.