Which English accent is best for Asian people, especially Chinese people ?

February 14, 2009 11:23am CST
Good day! I am a Chinese person. As an English learner, I'm keen to know which English accent is best for Chinese people. Normally, in China we are taught by American teachers therefore we have our Chinese accent blended with American accent.... But when I went to Australia,it seems American accent (also spelling)is not very well-accepted. So I tried very hard to learn the Aussie accent and now after a year I think I have got some. Now, I'm trying to keep it up by talking to Aussie friends. However, today I met a Canadian and he told me Austrlian accent is thought to be a faked British accent and somehow strange and funny. He recommended me to learn either British or American accent.... Er....errrrr...I'm all get confused. So which English accent is the best to learn for a Chinese person?? I still think Aussie accent is pretty cool and would like to keep it:-)but, love to hear what do you think, English speakers????thx.
1 response
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I guess it depends on if you plan to live in a certain place or use your english in a particular place. Seeing as each of those countries have different words for different things sometimes. If you plan to use it US use American accent, for example. If you aRE JUST LEARNING EnglisH TO leaRN english then just choose the one you like the best
• China
14 Feb 09
hey, thanks for your suggestion! Unfortunately, I'll mainly talk to English speakers from all over the world for word reasons!! Does it mean I have to acuqire all types of English accents in that case?! O.M.G... Or is there way to speak English without an accent?! thanks for the reply anyways.
• China
14 Feb 09
sorry, small correction: .....I'll mainly talk to English speakers from all over the world for WORK reasons...
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
14 Feb 09
no don't let me scare you, I think that because you speak a different language you'll have an accent all your own which is perfectly fine, I think focus on learning the words rather than an accent.. =)