Resisting temptation

United States
February 20, 2009 12:29am CST
I never wanted to believe that by cutting soda out of your diet you could lose a great deal of weight. Recently I discovered how true this is. I had strep throat and tonsilitus, so the ONLY thing I could drinkw was ice cold water. It felt sooo good on my throat and tonsils. From being sick for a week and only consuming water to quench my thirst I lost 7 pounds. Unfortunately, as soon as my throat was feeling better, I reached for a nice cold glass of Pepsi. Since i reached for that one cold glass of Pepsi I cannot stop drinking it again (I always say Pepsi is my form of crack lol if I had to pick one thing to consume for the remainder of my life, Pepsi would be it!!)! I find water to be so bland and boring. How do you resist the urge to grab a cold glass of soda and drink water instead? I grab the pepsi without even thinking, and realize after I drank it all, that I should not have drank it! All the sugar and carbs in the Pepsi are killing my weight loss progress, but it so hard for me to stop drinking! Changing my eating habits was easier for me than resisting that nice cold Pepsi. What suggestions do you have? How do you resist your biggest temptation that slows down your weight loss?
1 response
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I used to have a horrible time fighting cravings when I tried to lose weight. I'm on a plan now that addresses those cravings by eating certain foods to curb hunger and cravings. I also am a soda addict but am working to cut back right now - hopefully will be able to get completely away from it. I have done it in the past - the secret is to do it slowly so you don't suffer the caffeine withdrawal - so I do know that it is possible. I think part of the habit is that it is handy to grab, no matter where you are.
• United States
24 Feb 09
Great idea! I am going to have to work on slowly cutting back...I have been trying to cut it out cold turkey, which does cause the the end leading to failure. Thankyou for the advice. Starting tomorrow I will begin to attempt to cut back slowly! :) Best of luck to you. What diet are you on that addresses cravings, if you do not mind me asking.