Which advert do you star in?

March 6, 2009 4:59pm CST
After a chance remark by my Dad,when he said that a boy in a Cadburys Diary Milk ad, currently running on British TV, reminded him of my 8 year old son when in a strop,we have now found ourselves checking out the ads during the breaks to see if we can spot different family members in them. It has become a bit of a past time in our house now, but it does liven up a boring ad break. So how about you, do you find yourself doing the same? Is there a certain advert that every time it is shown reminds you of someone? Here is the link to the Cadburys ad if you want to check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&v=TVblWq3tDwY P.S If anyone can tell me what the heck the Cadburys advert has to do with chocolate I would be most grateful.
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