honesty in life and love is something i feel we all desire.......

March 13, 2009 11:21pm CST
but do we know how to do it? i have come to the realization that i dont.. i am honest wid myself when i say i have drinking problem, i have addictive personalit, that i dont trust easily, that i dont now how to be wat people want me to be... honestly is a hurtful thing at times i have looke in the mirror and seen that i haveto be honest with myself before i can be honest with those around me.. if not i will end up hurting those i love... and i have... i hurt them not intentionally, but because i just dont know how to be.. how to exist in this world... how to be a daughter...lover....girlfriend...companion....i truly dont know............
1 response
• India
14 Mar 09
no one can be perfect.its life ,just try to be a good daughter or try to be good lover or try to be a good companion.so first think what you want.parents will always be there with you whether you are a good daughter or not.but apart from them you need to try your best to keep any relationship alive.so try to be good.put all your efforts to be good and honest in any one of those relationships (girlfriend or companion) if you succeed in it then you can manage your life well.be happy always.