do you think it is so important for a saleman with a smile ?

@owntuilp (422)
April 2, 2009 1:47am CST
last week ,i joina job interviwe some one who is the boss of people rescouse,told me most i had talk to him what he think it is so good ,but he told me ,as a saleman you had talk to your cliet with smilel all time,maybe he is right ,but i never work as a saleman so i real dont understant how it is import for a saleman with a smile?
7 responses
• Canada
3 Apr 09
naaah a saleman doesn't need to smile, people can't force you to smile.
@owntuilp (422)
• China
11 Apr 09
maybe you are right ,but your boss or your celit dont see a face with cool
@rchard32 (42)
• China
11 Apr 09
guy,smile it is so important for a saleman,you see,you had to make your celit feel so good if you want to make your talk success ,good luck ,guy
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
2 Apr 09
Well I agree that you might not have worked as a sales man! but doesn't take one to become a sales man to understand this issue! Just imagine if a gloomy faced or angry sales man approaches you and try to convince you or persue you to buy some thing, what would be your first reaction! Without any doubt it would be a negative one! Thus smile is very important on a sales man's face or for that matter on the faces on the people who are dealing with the people directly n regular basis! A smiling face is a Charming face and it helps in spreading a healthy and positive atmosphere around tomake an event occur successfully! Smiling and laughter are infecive in nature! What I mean there by is that a smiling face can make a gloomy face a smily one or a laughnng face can bring a smile on a gloomy face! So to keep the mood elevated , to have a healthy atmosphere , to have a positive impact which is a most important thing for the process of sales I personally feel that smiling is very important on the sales man's face! Nice topic of dis cusssion! Enjoyed participating in it!
@Reyah23 (640)
• Philippines
4 Apr 09
Yes it is very important for a person in sales to always smile, specially infront of the customer. Smiling person attract people. It gives a calming feeling to others.
• Philippines
2 Apr 09
Hey there! Yes, definitely. It is very important for a salesperson to smile at the customer. It's one of the important things that a salesperson should have. Smile is a sign of welcoming your customers and letting them know that you are always there to help them what they need. I believe you should have a training so that you will have a knowledge on how to do it comfortably. Have a nice day. Happy posting!!
• China
2 Apr 09
Yes,i think,oftenthere's must have a saleman to show you where the goods you want to buy,and if he smile and show his good faith,you'll buy the things sureness.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
2 Apr 09
Yes,it is very important. A sales man should impress others and should have a smile on his face. When my husband went to Nagapattanam ( a city in South India)for a week, he hated to go to the resturant nearby the place where he stayed because the guy at the counter never smiled and always stared at him. Yes, smile has importance in work regardless of whatever job you are doing.