do you want to be a listener or a talker?

@fwangaa (3057)
April 16, 2009 10:14pm CST
i want to be a listener more than want to be a talker. becasue to be a listener , you will be gain more friend. sometimes i agree with the view of my friend. and seldom to take different view , i think that will not very good for the friendship . do you think that's right? why?
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7 responses
• Indonesia
18 Apr 09
i agree with you i like to be a listener than talker cause it makes friend and i not good enough to be a talker
@ank_47 (1959)
• India
17 Apr 09
i am less talkative. so i listen more than talking. people surrounding me ,will tell that i am a good listener and they tell that ,i am like a kid ,if i got 30 years also. because i will be obedient and listen to them more and follow them in a cool way.
@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
17 Apr 09
I would like to be a listener more than a talker. Because I don't really like to talk much.
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I think I am a very good listener. Many people confide in me because I listen to them. Of course, if a subject is near and dear to my heart, I will be a talker too. It depends on what the person needs at the time. Sometimes, people just really need someone to listen to them. Other times, they need advice. So, I guess I just play it by ear.
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
I actually talk a lot almost everytime. I don't talk nonsense, though. Sometimes, I make people laugh with what I say, and there are times when I make them think. However, I would rather be a listener than a talker. I learn a lot from what people say - from their experiences, from what they know or have learned, from their ideas and points of view. Besides, talking is actually physically demanding and tiring. ^_^
• India
17 Apr 09
Well that seems to be a question i was look for ....i dont want to be a listner but if i dont listen then i cannot talk, if i manage to talk on a topic without listening i would spoin the importance of the topic ...even if i manage then i may not be so spontaneous to reply any question asked about the topic ... so i strongly i belive that i must be a listener first and then i must be a talker I dont know how other thing about this topic .....i though i must put my thought on mylot......bla bla bla bla
• United States
17 Apr 09
I like being the listener. I agree with you that it is good for the friendship plus I am not all about talking about myself so I could care less if someone wants to talk to me about their life or problems. I have always been told I am a pretty good listener and am pretty good about cheering people up. The only time I don't care to be the listener is when they person who is talking or complaining is doing it over and over and not taking any advice and just keep bringing on the problems themselves. There reaches a certain point where you have to stop listening and talk to where they would listen.