if you can go back in time, will you cheat on the Lottery?

April 21, 2009 11:18am CST
if one can go back in time with "cheat codes" in your hands, which will give you the chance to win any lottery in the world, imagine the limitless money... will you go back and leave the life you've known and make a new one? have a ridiculously large mansion, private planes, yachts, and all the material things you want. but in exchange, you will leave your family and all the friends you know and people you really cared for... is this worth it for you?
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1 response
@ulqu1orra (307)
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
I will grab the chance, although I'll surely miss what I left, I'm sure I will definitely find new persons on that time with the limitless wealth that I can gain from any lottery or gambling games. But this thing is possible to happen so I definitely grab the chance. :D