Would you rather live in an island or a busy city?

@mimuche (163)
May 15, 2009 5:13am CST
I have never lived in an island but both my roommates are from an island and they prefer living in the city because it can get pretty boring in the island. I think it would be interesting to live in an island but it is just a thought as I have never done so. Which would you prefer and what is the main reason?
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6 responses
• United States
15 May 09
Frankly, I wouldn't mind living in either one. I just couldn't picture me living in the Savannah or a scarcely populated place. It would feel too empty. I definitely would not want to live on a farm for some personal reasons. But I wouldn't mind visiting and spending some time there. But I just can't picture myself actually spending years there. I wouldn't mind living on on island as long as I had the beach, a lot of seafood (of course) and yes, as previously stated, the Internet. I've lived on an island for more than half of my life. I'm from Haiti and I used to live in the city, though. I would always visit the outer parts for the beaches. My family were born and raised in the outer parts, but came to the city for educational purposes and decided to stay. So I'd say that I've always lived in the city, but on an island. As for the city, I would definitely live in one, also. I like experiencing and learning new things as long as I don;t have to sit at a desk for two hours. Which is something I have four more years left of doing. I like to meet new people and experience new things. So if I were to live on either one, it would be a win/win situation.
@mimuche (163)
• Canada
17 May 09
i think that is great ... u have a taste of both
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
15 May 09
I wouldn't mind living in either place as long as there is light, water, food and the internet. Cheers!!
@mimuche (163)
• Canada
17 May 09
lol for the internet
@meticulo (1286)
• United States
15 May 09
Honestly I prefer to live in a quiet place but not necessarily an island. But if given a chance to live in a city it's just alright as well, as long as I am with my family I know I'll be very comfortable.
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@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
15 May 09
Both island and busy city have their own characteristics. I like them both. For business purposes, i think a busy city is the best place for doing business with higher income. But for relaxing and rest also refreshing, i think a small island is good enough. But i'd prefering a village. No matter where we live, the importance is there have clean water, better if have a good water treatment, and electricity. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
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• Canada
16 May 09
I think that it would be neat to live on a island. Sometimes you need to feel that peace in your life were there is nothing else to worry about. I think that it would also be like being out in the middle of the forest and there is no one around you. Also the way some cities are becoming I don't think I would want to live there anymore. I sometimes wish that I could buy one hundred acres of land, and go and build my home right smack in the middle, were there is no one around us.
@mimuche (163)
• Canada
17 May 09
yea you are right ... some of them are just becoming too crowded
@Slashable (117)
• Netherlands
15 May 09
I think I'd rather live on an island. I love peace and quite. But on the other hand I love to have a city around me... there's always something going on in a big city.
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