Whats the difference between a Girlfriend and a friend?

May 20, 2009 3:46am CST
First of all, let me make it clear that any gender can reply this discussion. I want to know these simple stuff in life. When you meet a girl, your mind starts thinking different things. Either you start liking her by her behaviour or habit or the softness she speaks. But what kind of mind we males have? When a girl looks beautiful and charming, we fall on her like hell! If for example, you go to a particular classes, you see a girl there and start talking to here, later on you draw interest on her. So what I want to know is who is known as a friend? Do our mind intends to a friend to be a girlfriend? And is it necessary that only a friend will be your girlfriend one fine day coz she know you very well from the beginning. Or love at first sight and forget female friends? Why it always happens that we males need to approach a girl? If a girl is liking you, she wont express it. But we idiots, go and do something wrong in excitement. I have heard that to impress and talk to a girl, you need to have good communication skills as well as good personality. But what if you are lacking with communication skills? Even if you have a good personality. That means that person will never have any female friends? Need all mylotters suggestion to the utmost! Thanks in advance.
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2 responses
20 May 09
I personally think personality is the most important thing - so my advice is just make her laugh or smile or be there for her when she needs you. I can be quite shy sometimes so my communication skills don't necessarily shine through - but at the same time I think I can still get my point across. Hope this helps :)
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@sblossom (2168)
20 May 09
you can have many friends including female friends, but you just can have one girlfriend at one time. As you said usually male moves the first step. It's mostly human nature or basic instict. However now some girls are more active than boys. It depends. I think when we are young we have romantic feeling about love, so we want to fall in love at first sight. Later we will more practical and prefer having friends first. I suppose nobody can give you the answer you want. Just do it. One day you will find your own answer.
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