Do we have the right to dictate choices for others?

United States
May 22, 2009 8:11am CST
I firmly believe this country was founded on the right to choose and if choices are being made that do not directly affect another person in a physical sense then I don't think we have the right to tell them they cannot make those choices. For me the issue or choice is smoking. I realize that smoking is not a habit that people are fond of, I do not smoke but my husband does. Personally,I think he has the right to smoke and as long as he does not smoke when we are in the car or when I am in the room that is fine. I have problems breathing quite often but I do not blame him I had asthma as a child so smoking does tend to trigger a negative effect. I know he feels like he should quit and he does try currently he is on medication to help him. But mostly because it is pretty much eliminated everywhere and some employers go as far as saying you cannot smoke on the premises at all (even in the car) I think that is not very reasonable to those who smoke you are limited on your breaks already in most places I think there should be an assigned area at least for those that smoke don't force people to quit let them get to the point when they will be ready to quit I think they will be more successful that way. I think there can be respect for others rights to breath clean air and at the same time allow those who choose to smoke not to feel like their right to choose is being taken away.
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