Do you like Greek dances? Have you ever participated? Opa!

United States
May 23, 2009 3:50am CST
Greek dances are so much fun! They can be a lot of fun to watch as well! If you are Greek or have been to a Greek party of any kind, you surely have witnessed a ton of Greek dancing. If you have never had the chance to see any Greek style dancing, take the time to visit this website: It's called The Opa Room. If you click on the Greek Dance Videos tab at the top of the page you can find some great videos. I love the one with the older gentlemen doing the plate breaking dance at a wedding! He is really getting into it! There's a bunch of other stuff at the site too, like recipes, music, and jewelry. Have you ever participated in Greek dance? Do you like it? What did you think of the videos at The Opa Room?
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