Landline or cell phone?

United States
May 27, 2009 2:55pm CST
I knew that most people are using cell phone more often than before. It is portal, and you carried it everywhere. I bet you that you only give your cell phone number more often than your landline number if you still keep one. Although cell phone gain its popularity in the recent years, some people still embrace the landline. With landline, they provide reliable service quality, such as price is stable, you only pay around $25 to $30 a month. The voice is clear, and you don't have to worry about signal lost. With cell phone, you might have to pay up to $100 monthly bill. The voice might not that clear like landline. So, do you still remember what was your last time receive your call from a landline? Do you get rid of your landline service or do you have both?
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10 responses
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
16 Jun 11
We don't have a land line phone. I think it is more convenient to have cellphones as you can contact the person wherever he is. There are telecom companies in my country offering dsl with free land line. Depending on the person's preference, it may be helpful to them. In my case however, it would just be another unnecessary expense for my family.
@nicococo (134)
3 Sep 10
I got rid of my landline service because the cellphone, and wi-fi, is good enough for me. If I could, I would get rid of all the chords in my home... but alas! I wish, though, that cellphones and plans would be cheaper.
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
31 May 09
My boyfriend and I don't have a landline in our apartment. We have our cell phones. There's no point in us having a land line when we are barely home and neither of us are huge phone people. But we always like to have our cell phones with us.
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
16 Sep 09
Hey, I'm not really responsible yet for the decisions in my household, but at the moment we have both a landline and a cell phone. The only time when someone should get rid of their landline is when they have a cell phone contract, where they get a huge amount of credit to use each month. Make sure you have a good day, Happy Lotting!!
@engrdng06 (248)
• Japan
29 Mar 10
I prefer using cellular phone since it is handy. In case of emergencies, wherever I maybe, I can easily ask for assistance from others.
29 Mar 10
Most of the people here in the Philippines using cellphones. So for me, i prefer using cellphone because it is much easier for me to reach them.
• Philippines
29 May 09
combined phone service plan - landline and cellphone combined service
I currently have a cellphone. In my country the Philippines, there are some phone companies that have combined landline and cellphone serviced in one phone plan. Its much cheaper and affordable. Its better than getting two separate phone service plans so its really practical.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
28 May 09
This is a really good discussion because I am sure that different people have different opinions when it comes to landlines and cell phones,I am sure there are some people who have a cell phone but do not have a landline and then I am sure there are probably people who have a landline and do not have a cell phone and I can understand that the bills can pile up,right now my parents have a landline and they both have cell phones,except they usually keep their cell phones off when they are at home,and people call the landline,me and my fiance do not have a cell phone because it got ran over,but we are hoping to get a new one sometime in the next couple weeks,and when we had a cell phone,and when we get another one we will leave it off when we are at the house,and people can call the landline if they want to talk to us,and I am not sure how much my parents pay for the landline vs. the cell phones but I am sure it is probably a pretty big bill,have a great day,good luck with your life,and Happy Posting.
@Colmuc (707)
27 May 09
Hi clorissa,I cannot see me giving up my landline. It comes combined with my 24 hour internet connection and is relatively cheap. Cell phone calls are much more expensive, especially international ones and they account for most of my calls.
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
30 May 09
We still have our landline at home. It's still useful with rates that are reasonable. I think we still can't do away with it... We have relatives who prefer to call on the landline. I know people who chose not to have mobile phones.