Do you think that your mate has to be attractive to love them

@blion23 (403)
United States
June 3, 2009 4:34pm CST
How important to you feel that physical attraction is to a marriage?
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5 responses
@Sourin (11)
• Canada
4 Jun 09
Short answer is, although physical attraction is not the be-all-end-all of a successful marriage, boy does it help. :)
@grace24 (1050)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
For me i think it is somehow important...because when you married your mate there must be physical attraction to both of you. You will be together for a long time even when you grow old. He/she still loves you and attracted to you even you grow old.
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Hello blion23 , physical attraction is what got me and my ex-husband together but it didn't keep us together.What I look for now in a mate/partner is someone who has similar interests that can keep us both interested in conversation and hobby's.
• United States
4 Jun 09
It matters somewhat that you are somewhat attractive to the person you are marrying. I don't think a relationship is going to manage if you are constantly looking at someone and thinking "omg they are fat" or "they're really ugly". You have to be satisfied with a person to be happy and if you are somewhat physically satisfied there is always going to be something that bothers you. Yes, some people will say it doesn't matter at all - but there is a subconscious part that does determine your attractiveness to someone. They might not be a perfect 10 - but I don't see someone marrying someone that is a 3 to them without other motives like tons of money, fame, etc.
@Mathiaes (91)
• Denmark
3 Jun 09
at some point, yes. Although if you love someone enough you can overcome that (the lack of attraction) also a mariage shouldn't be build on atractions but love