Baby shower

@emma412 (1156)
United States
June 7, 2009 9:56pm CST
Did you friends and/or family throw you a baby shower? What did you do for it? Play games? How do you feel about baby showers after the first baby? My sister threw a shower for me with my first baby. Well, she actually sent out the invitations and then flaked on everything else so I had to do it all myself. My friends are throwing me one for my current pregnancy. I didn't want them to but they really wanted to and said I had to since I am having a different gender this time. So share with me your baby shower stories!
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7 responses
• Canada
8 Jun 09
My babies are now 22 and 24. But when they were born I did have showers. I lived away from my family and I was a stay at home mom. So it was my husband, at the time, co workers wives that threw it for me. Very nice ladies, after all, they really didnt know me. At that time I was living in a small town in Sask, Melfort, and talk about sweet people. Its true what they say about small towns.
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@emma412 (1156)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Awww... how nice of them. My mother in law sent a big package of stuff for this baby. My mom has been sending clothes here and there too. It's really nice to have the help.
• Canada
9 Jun 09
Yes, I would get care packages as well from the folks. They would come out and visit every year. Checking up on their grand children lol.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
8 Jun 09
I had many baby showeres with my first baby. They were all typical baby showers with the silly games and all. Then when I had my 4th~ 11 yrs later, my girlfriends threw me another shower. It was nice bacause I had 3 boys and this baby was a girl so I got some cute girl things. I think that typically you get a baby shower thrown for your first child to help you get the things you need for the baby. After that, you just use the hand me downs.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
9 Jun 09
I had sold everything! The doctor had told me that I would not be able to have other children, so we sold everything we had. It was so nice to get new stuff for #4 anyways. After 3 boys, things tend to get worn out.
@emma412 (1156)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Did you keep your stuff from your boys to use on your fourth? I guess it wouldn't have mattered anyways since the fourth turned out to be a girl, just curious. I have all of my daughters clothes and things in case we decide to have another baby and it turns out to be a girl.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
8 Jun 09
I don't have any kids but i have been to many baby showers and I think it is good for the the girls to get together and have some fun and it is a chance for the mother to be to get some nice sometimes unusual things for the new long as everyone has a good time then it is great.
@emma412 (1156)
• United States
9 Jun 09
I agree that it's nice to get everyone together. My girlfriends and I haven't all been together in a while. It seems that one or two of us is always missing. So it will be nice to have everyone together for the afternoon.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
8 Jun 09
boy, that was almost 7 years ago! Hard to remember what we did. I know we played a few games. one game i remember is you take jars of baby food and peel off the labels. Then you pass them around and have people try to guess what is it the jar. Another game we played you took a chunk of a candy bar and melted it a little and smashed it in a diaper. Then you had to pass it around and everyone had to guess what kind of candy bar it was. I think if you are having a baby of a different gender is should be good to have another baby shower, but my mom wouldn't hear of it. She says it isn't right that you are only supposed to have one for your first one. But my first two kids were girls and my third was a boy and i had nothing boy. oh well.
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@emma412 (1156)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Nothing boy?! That's what I was afraid of with this one. My first was a girl and everything is full pink. There is almost nothing I can re-use for this baby. So, it will be really nice to get some help with the stuff I need for this baby.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
8 Jun 09
My family did when I was pregnant with first born. It was more of a get together than a baby shower (other than the presents, that is) as there were no baby shower games, thank goodness. Had my husband known that he probably would have stuck around that day instead of jetting off to the gym! LOL When I was pregnant with my youngest we kind of had a combination baby shower/birthday party as it was held the same day as my first born's birthday party. With him turning 3 at the time and with me being 8 months pregnant it was just easier this way.
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@emma412 (1156)
• United States
9 Jun 09
No baby shower games?! That is the fun part! Haha. We did a really cute one at my shower. We had a roll of yarn and each person cut off enough string that they thought it would take to get around my belly. The person that got closest won a prize. It was funny to see how much and how little people would cut off.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Nope, no baby shower games and I preferred it that way.
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
8 Jun 09
My sister had threw me a baby shower. She put the whole thing together. The only did I had to do was show up, lol. It was a great baby shower. Some of my college classmates I hadn't seen in about a year or two was there. So I was excited to see just about all my friends there. We played a couple of games such as guess how many candy is in the bottle, safety pins in the bowl of rice, some questions about my pregnancy, and guessing with a piece of yarn how big my belly was. And I also got a lot of gifts that was much needed. I didn't have to buy much of nothing but smaller diapers, smaller sets of clothing, and milk. Most of those gifts, like the lotion, baby wash, powder, etc., lasted for almost 2 years. Baby Showers are great to have.
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@emma412 (1156)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Awww... how nice that your sister did that for you and you got to reconnect with some old friends. We played the yarn game at my shower too, I think that one was my favorite. I didn't have to buy anything for my daughter at my first shower. She was the first grandbaby on both sides of the family so they all went nuts buying stuff. She was also the first girl in 20 generations on my husband's side so everyone went crazy buying pink stuff for a change! I guess that's why I need so much new stuff with this baby. Everything is pink and can't be used on a boy!
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
9 Jun 09
I had a baby shower for my first one. I think for the first two that a baby shower is okay. I actually had two baby showers because family was so big. So my fiances family had a baby shower for me. Then my family had a baby shower for me. Different games both times. Lots of gifts. It was great.