Guard gunned down by white supremist at the Holocaust museum.

@bonbon664 (3466)
June 10, 2009 9:50pm CST This baffles me, how can people harbour so much hate for anyone. In this case it's a white supremist who hates everyone not like them. But, to me, it's no different then a person on here who thinks gay people should be punished. Hate is hate is hate. How do we change attitudes of people? This guy who shot this guard is 88 years old. It's a new world, live and let live.
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2 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
13 Jun 09
As much as I hate to say it I honestly don't think we will ever be able to change people's attitudes to the point that there will be no hate. It's here and not going away. The best we can do is set good examples, not fall into the trap of acting the same way, and show others by our actions that hatred towards others does no one any good at all.
• United States
11 Jun 09
How do we change the attitudes of people who hate? That is the million dollar question. Sadly, I dont think that any one answer is going to work for everyone.