Planning my Wedding

June 21, 2009 7:54pm CST
My boyfriend of 7 years proposed to me last Feb.22, 2009 in a private island called Sumilon Island on our 7th year anniversary. It was the best romantic island proposal ever and I could not ask for anything more. We plan on getting married on the 5ht of June 2010, making me a June Bride. I have a year of planning and its stressing me out a bit. I would like your help guys if you have been through with wedding planning and preparation. I could need them and your advises advises, too...
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3 responses
@med889 (5941)
22 Jun 09
It is so romantic and I wish you all the best and may you be the june wonderful bride. Maybe you should enjoy the moments now and after one month you can start the preparation of firstly booking all the important aspects like finding a beautiful place for the reception, a church you wanted to get married in, the vows you will take, then the people you will invite. So this is indeed a great thing for me and I have already seen the wedding of my two sisters so I know a bit how it is.
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
Thank you very much MED889 for your wishes! Planning really is very special and crucial at the same time. I'm planning to take it slowly to relieve my stress that's why I'm planning as early as now. There are too many things to consider, too many to decide. Just wish me luck in my planning! Thanks again!
@flyisky (196)
• China
22 Jun 09
Congratulations!How romantic you are!Although I never have been through with wedding plan and preparation, I sincerely hope you two can enjoy the life and make a very good wedding.
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
Thank you, thank you! I also wish that too. I hope to have a fabulous wedding of our dream and a wonderful life ahead too.
• China
22 Jun 09
Cngratulations! And hop you to be a most beautiful bride!
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
Geez, thanks Yichuhehua! I'll try my very best...I should learn to relax and pace myself, I sure dont want to end up with pimples on my wedding day, hahaha!