What are your personal experiences with Deja vu?

June 26, 2009 10:22am CST
For those who doesn't know what Deja Vu is, it's an experience of thinking that a new situation had occured before. So, i'm kinda wondering because I find it fascinating and I've heard some insane cool stories about my friend's experiences with deja vu and would like to know yours, if you have any experience with deja vu.
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4 responses
• Australia
27 Jun 09
Wow mine isn't as precise as the person's above me, but i know what you mean! Deja vu is so crazy! but I only realise it either after it happened, or when it is happening! I don't predict it, i just notice "hey this has happened to me before" or "I swear i dreamt this" crazy stuff! Sweet dreams, and happy mylotting!
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@Margajoe (4709)
• Germany
27 Jun 09
Yes, different times in my life. Normally when I am tired and then get these weird dreams. There are times when the dreams I have had, happen the next day. One day I went to a party, and I look at the table and recognized it. Exactly what I had seen before in my dream. Sometimes, just by talking to a stranger, I will already know what the person is going to say. In Canada it was worse. I could recognize things and places and not know why. Houses, farms and such. I knew I had been there before. I was 14 when we moved to Holland. Since then I don't have this very often. I went back to Canada a couple of times and it starts all over again. Not really scary. But I cannot explain it very well. Maybe a life before this one?? Lately it can occur that I am with people and feel like I had a reliving occurrence. It does not last very long, just long enough to recognize the situation. Sometimes it is like a warning. In my case that I should keep my big mouth shut. hahaha! According to scientist there is an explanation. Like I said, when I am tired it will occur more often. Seems the brain trips on you. Like a record that is damaged and plays the same sentence twice. You think you have been there before, but you only had a rerun in your brain. Of course it does not feel that way. But maybe they are right???? I don't know.
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
29 Jun 09
I completely disagree with those scientists who claim that Deja Vu is just a brain trick.Ok,the fact that we think something we see now has happened before doesn't proof anything,but I experienced something that wasn't a brain trick at all.It was an ordinary day at school.English lesson.Suddenly I've noticed that the scene in the class,the teacher's face expression,her hair,the book we were learning from,my shoes,my clothes,the plants hanging on the wall - this scene was familiar to me.I came back home,I spent about four hours on reading my old diaries.I found that scene described in one of them.I couldn't believe it.It was incredible.
• Slovak Republic
14 Feb 10
There has been many instances of deja vu with me, for example the one had happened to me last week where a car in the parking lot scraped against my hand.The moment was that i was looking at my hand to see if i got hurt, but it seemed that i had seen that scene before. exactly the same litter on the road and exactly the same position of my hand. It was freaky.frankly this is the only experience that i can recall right now.i have had many before but can't remember them because they are not so significant.