Who's tired of this stupid recession?

@abby01 (65)
United States
July 14, 2009 3:55pm CST
I am! I hate the fact that everyone is so affected by it. Everyone lives are already hard the way it is and the recession made it worse. I'm a mother, I've been trying to find a job for like ever! And it's very hard.. And the government cutting the budget for every single aids out there is sad. I don't know how much that's really gonna help. Why don't they cut their budget? They get paid alot, why don't they lower they're income instead of cutting the California budget. It's seriously making me think that even though the whole world is having money problems they're still trying to take the money from us and they get the nice, easy living.
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2 responses
• United States
14 Jul 09
I hate this recession! I lost my job, i cant find a new one because im pregnant, my husband and i dont have a lot of money and we have our second baby on the way. And it seems like the prices on everything are going up! Not to mention now if you ask for a settlement with a credit card company they wont give it to you. They say they dont offer it and keep killing you with interest. I swear ive been paying on this credit card for 6 months, and everytime i get close to being paid, they charge me another thousand in fees so ill never be paid off. It feels like it gets harder and harder, and obama said its not gonna get any better for a few years. Its like we should all get comfortable living paycheck to paycheck because we're stuck where we are for now.
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@abby01 (65)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Ahh. I know. My parents tried lowering their mortgage for the house because its ridiculously high and not worth for the price of the house now. And so what they did is they just pretty much just stopped paying it and see if they'll lower it. And now they messed up they're credit and finally gonna get the thing they were asking for. And this is sad... We have a new president, which everyone thought would make a big difference in this country, and now were about to go through depression!
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Greed is the big cause. And just this morning I heard Pres. Obama on the radio say that more layoffs are ahead of us. Yea, that really cheered me up... Hang in there abby01, and hold onto your purse tightly, lol!
@abby01 (65)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Yeah seriously. Okay there's this place in California called Del Mar Fairgounds. Every year they have a fair and it's really big. And supposedly our government is trying to shut it down. I think its ridiculous because that place helps alot of people specially with jobs and I think they're doing a fund too for something. But my point is why get rid of something that helps people with jobs? Idk. I think our Government are stupid.
• United States
14 Jul 09
I know, it makes no sense at all. It's like the Government is bending over backwards to wreck the economy. I think Barnum and Bailey Circus could do a better job of handling this than the performers that are in position now....