How well do you get along with your siblings?

July 19, 2009 11:35pm CST
I have 3 sibs. I'm the 2nd and the one I'm closest to the most is my older sis. We go shopping together and travel as well as partying at the clubs.I remember back in my highschool days when my friends and I would hit the bars and I'd find my older sister already there with her friends and we would end up sitting next to each other and start chatting away even though we're always together it seems like we always have something to catch up on. thats how strong my bonding is with my older sis. she's always there to help me even financially. As for my younger ones, I can't seem to stand them! Maybe it has something to do with being half-sister half-brother only cause they are my dads kids from his 2nd wife. I especially hate it when my younger half sis seems to be copying everything I do, down to the clothes I wear which is really frustrating. She would also mimick everything I do. I've asked my older sis if I was like that to her before and she said no. The youngest one which is a boy, he's alright I guess since he's the baby of the family he doesn't really bother me much unless he's asking advice about online games or playstation. Now that we've all grown up. I have a family of my own and so does my older sister. We still keep in contact through emails and chat messengers. As for my younger ones, they have now reached the teenage life and I don't have much contact with them cause we are all in different countries at the moment. I do however miss my older sis alot. Especially at times when I have no one talk to when I'm having quarrels with my spouse. What about you? What are your sibling stories?
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3 responses
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
Hi,I am the eldest of three siblings.And to tell you honestly my second and third siblings were my half sis and half brother.My mom has been with 3 guys after she was separated with my dad and it's fine with me because I understood that a child can't give a parent what they really need and besides that fact we were not ignored by her she loved us all three despite the fact that we came from 3 three different men in her life.She brought us to a great school and gave everything what we need.I am closer to my two siblings because we were never that apart or far away with each other.We grew in the same house and that there was never a time that my two siblings were treated differently like they were just my half siblings my family accepted them and loved them despite the truth about them.
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@submerryn (1304)
• Malaysia
20 Jul 09
So you have 'half' siblings scenario. I have full blood siblings and there are 2 of them. They are my elder sisters. I am the youngest. We fight alot when we were kids. You know, the usual fighting for toys and stuff. Then when we grew older, we got along well. But somehow, recently, things started to get shaky between us. I missed the good ol' days and wished that one day, things will get better!
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• United States
11 Jun 10
My sister story is very sad. She is 2 years older than me. Last October I found out she was stealing from me and my mother. She doesn't even need the money. She has plenty and has no excuse. I have supported my parents for more than 32 years and she has never helped financially but she was supposed to take care of them both when my father was still alive. Now is only my mother and I discovered that she was going 10 minutes every week to pay the employees and the bills and that was it. She hasn't taken care of our mother and cannot care less. I have been so hurt that I decided to star at blog ( as a means to deal with my anger and frustration. Through the telling of my story I want to warn others and also provide a forum for others to share their feelings and experiences.