
@kean1337 (199)
United States
August 6, 2009 1:45pm CST
Yesterday I brought my computer to a friends house this is called a LAN we all put our computers into one room. We play videos game's like counter strike 1.6 or world of warcraft. Well after reformatting 2 days ago i brought my computer to my friends house yesterday and I realized that i needed to put some drivers onto my computer. At this time my friends man fix your fan its really annoying ( video card fan buzzing ) I had to restart my computer anyways from the drivers so I might as well fix the fan to. My computer shut down I lay down my computer onto the ground ( has no cover side ) so open wide to see the motherboard, video card, ect. Earlyer that day I asked my friend to get me a Glass water ( yes i know im a lazy ) so he did, he brought it up and i began drinking it and i put it write behind my computer board wire. But anyways back to the story I lay down my computer and guess what the keyboard wire pulls the glass of water down and then splashes into my motherboard. I begin to freak out I've put in about 500 dollars into this machine. I quickly unplug everything and clean up the water. I'm thinking to my self yep my computer is fried nothing i could do. I take out all the parts into the computer and then lay them down on to the ground to dry. After about 1 hour of doing that I put them back in. I got everything write and heres the moment of truth the computer doesn't even turn on! so I try different things for the motherboard still doesn't work. I was bored stiff watching t.v all night. I wake up this morning get ready for the last day of summer school wasn't to hiped about it I thought i was going to fail and not receive the .5 credit:( I failed the exam yesterday and I had another one today. you need 70% for this class to pass to receive a .5 credit this morning I looked and I had a 69% but I wasn't giving up I still had to take another exam I took it and got 70% on it. It raised my grade to 70.9% sweet I passed! I came back to my friends house bored and still kinda sad about my computer and using my friends computer and I was thinking to my self maybe I should just give this 1 more shot. I plug it in and it doesn't turn on.. so I flip a switch in the back of my computer and then praying to god that it works.. it turns on! I am the happiest person alive right now!!lol just had to type a lot sorry:( -Kean Have a nice day:)
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