"The one that got away"

@anna728 (1499)
United States
August 10, 2009 1:10am CST
It's sort of a cliche phrase, you've probably heard it. It typically applies to that one person from your past that you'll always love even though you are no longer together and have probably moved on. Or something like that. Whatever description you wanna go with. So do you have someone like that? Even if you're happy with someone else now, is there still someone from your past that you sometimes think about? Is there one person you no longer have that you would consider the love of your life?
5 responses
@jjaywang (66)
• China
12 Oct 09
I have a girlfriend, sometimes i think i will leave her, but i cann't forget her,so we now are friends ,maybe 3years later ,we will get married.
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@anna728 (1499)
• United States
13 Oct 09
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
i think we all have experience somethin like this once in our life, im no exception.. i think that she's really the one for me and i could never ever love somebody else, she got away bcoz i neglected here, causing our long distance relationship, i was stupid for a while there, n now i realize that i rilly did sumthin wrong back there.. i just wish that i cud turn back d time.. well that's life as they say :(
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@anna728 (1499)
• United States
16 Sep 09
Yeah it's hard not to be regretful in such a situation.
@IzzyKitty (116)
• United States
13 Aug 09
I consider my recent ex-boyfriend the one who got away. Things could be fixed between us, but he refuses to talk it out, try again or even think about us being together again. He's very stubborn and afraid of commitment but I still love him and figure I should let him do what he wants. Everytime we got serious he up and left, or started to look at other girls... Maybe one day he'll grow to understand what we truly had wasn't a year and a half of nothingness lol
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@anna728 (1499)
• United States
21 Aug 09
I feel like that about my last ex too, except we broke up for different reasons than that... I think he is back with his ex-girlfriend now. He dated her before me but she was out of the country for the year that we dated. She's back now. Guess I don't have a shot.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
29 Aug 09
There was one that, for many years, I felt was that "one that got away"... But the more I thought about it, if he had wanted to be with me or to have stayed with me.. He could have. There have been chances since.. He left the first time, he left the second time, moved on ... got married.. had more children with his on/off again wife... He told me last year (even though we haven't seen each other in 10 years.. Only phone calls and chatting online) that he felt I was the one that got away. HE let me go.. HE can deal with the loss. He's married now, threw away his chances, and I told him to take a high dive. I haven't really thought much of him since xD
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@anna728 (1499)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Good for you- it's HIS loss!
• United States
10 Aug 09
Hi,this kind of thing happened to me years ago.However i still can't forget the girl who dumped me.i spent three month in pursuing that girl,but she was never moved.Maybe it was my fault.Maybe i am younger than her.Maybe i am not mature.wow,i can't believe that there are so many reasons for girls to dump one boy.by the way,are u a foreigner?
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@anna728 (1499)
• United States
21 Aug 09
I have an experiences like that, too. Foreigner? Everyone is a foreigner to somewhere... Are you asking if I'm from the U.S? I am...