take a pause and think.

@lyssak (47)
United States
August 10, 2009 12:08pm CST
If you are looking to change your finances, you must change what you are currently doing. Do nothing and nothing change. Do not expect to be handed money, cause life if you follow it as if would be easier on you : 20% ask and 80% take. you want something you have to be willing to work for it. there is no easy road to a well desrve success.As we all know that there is no elevator to success and that the only place where success comes first, we all know that is in the dictionary. Know that, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change and remmember that your thoughts become the blueprint for your life so make sure you dictate what you do with your intention well place. Until then Enjoy life as hard as you can many blessings PS: Thank you for your interest in reading me
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