Gay and Marriage

August 17, 2009 10:42am CST
I have a friend who has an enormous problem lately because his parents keeps pushing him to get married to this girl. The problem is that my friend is gay and he does not want to break some girl's feelings. My friend is turning 40 this year so he has a lot of pressure which one to decide, to stay gay or marry a girl.
2 responses
• Malaysia
22 Aug 09
The guy should stay single. There is no such thing as stay gay. Tt is a matter of is he gay or not. If he is, he should not lie to the girl. He should not lie to himself. Imagine going through daily marriage life, not loving the girl whom he marries just so that he protects his secret. Does the girl deserve no truth in her life and happiness? Be responsible. Beside, he is 40. He still cannot tell his parents?
@Archie0 (5640)
17 Aug 09
I think he should tell everything truly to his parents.Because till he dont tell his parents they will never come to know what is the exact thing, and then might be it happen that they will never then tell him to get married.But i think he should tell them as soon as possible