can i make him have his son

November 13, 2006 12:00pm CST
can i make my sons father have him for more than one night a week? he says he cant have him during week coz he cant go in late to work (but this in no problem when he sleeps in with a hangover)....i have no other person who could babysit whilst i try to have a resemblance of a social life, and need him to take more responsibilty but he wont. im thinking of dening access but this would only be detrimental to my son.
2 responses
@Krisss (1231)
• Australia
15 Nov 06
Do you really want to leave your son with someone who is forced to be with him? No you cannot force anyone to spend more time with him. Unfortunately thats being a responsible parent, no social life
19 Nov 06
thank you for your reply. regarding your comment that as responsible parent you cannot have a social life: do you then think that all parents who do have a night out are irresponsible....
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
15 Nov 06
You can take him to court and get a custody agreement with visitation that states how many days a week he can see his son. I would suggest if you do that. Set it up so every other weekend you can have a "social life". However, you can't make him see your son if he choose not to. You may as well get your child support set up at the same time if you haven't done so already.