How clean is your house?

United States
August 22, 2009 3:49pm CST
I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I am a total clean freak. Everything in my house is cleaned at least once a week, and every day I have various things I do to keep the ball rolling, and my house clean. Recently, I hate to pick on people, especially ones that I love, I have been noticing that my family and friends are just not this way. I mean, it's bad. I go there and all I can see are things that need to be dusted, polished, and flat out cleaned because they are filthy. I have a friend with beautiful stainless steel appliances, and they look like she tap danced on them with wet feet. Why have them if you aren't going to keep them looking nice? Another friend who clearly does not clean her drainboard. What the hell? You eat off the things you put in there. Needless to say I am not into eating at her house. I feel like I am so mean and picky. Am I the only person out there like this? It's not that I am some crazy germaphobe, but for Christmas sakes, this is your home. The one place where you shouldn't have to worry about using the toilet, you know what I mean? Please - let me know your thoughts...
1 response
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
25 Aug 09
I too like a clean house at all times. However when you have other people living with you who are slobs its hard to keep up. I clean the bathrooms twice a week. I'm constantly cleaning the kitchen. I Dust and vacuum at least twice a week. Clean mirrors and TVs constantly. I know if I was living alone I wouldn't be going thru this. I just had a thought, imagine if two people lived together who were clean freaks what an imaculate house it would be. Right?
• United States
25 Aug 09
I think you and I should live together, lmao. I live with my son, and 2 other family members who seem to think that just because they pay rent they don't have to clean, so regardless of the fact that they are adults, they are like extra children, lol. Worst than children actually because at the age of 3 my son had chores and got an allowance. Of course, they were things geared for a 3 year old, but now I have him wiping up and setting the table, helping to unload the dishwasher, he keeps his room so neat and organized, he uses the floor sweeper... I'm like if it was just us life would be great, lol. I like to clean as I go. This way, things never build up to the point that they make you crazy. This is what sort of makes me an enabler with my family because I should let it go until the person who should be doing it does it. However, if I do that, it could be weeks or a month and still nothing will get done. Then I have to spend endless hours until whatever job it is is done. So in an effort to keep the clutter organized, and everything clean, I just do it myself. But, the payoff is that I'm comfortable and happy because the house is how I like it. I'm learning to just stop trying to get other people to do things and just make the decision that if this is how I want things, then I just have to make it happen because like so many other things in life, no one else is going to get it done for you, ya know? Maybe if I stop nagging, they will start cleaning... LOL, as I type this, I'm taking a break from washing the floors resting my back and waiting for some to dry so I can continue on... Have a great day!!