Did You Ever Forgot Your Money-Bag/Purse??????????????????

forgot the money-purse?????? - ITS A FEELING LIKE THIEVE, LIKE A SHAMELESSNESS, NAKED, SO MARGINALIZED!!! The self esteem in Question Mark and what not...
September 7, 2009 9:28pm CST
When I was about to pay the bill...I searched my pockets then I realized that I forgot my money-purse; in a small restaurant after finishing my breakfast that too in a different locality with different dialect where not everyone does not understand the English,and even if they understand it does not going to solve my problem,after all these people are not going to let go one person(they are doing their business/not for charity purpose!!).... that too when the day was about to begin for every one of us.....the restaurant owner wants to start the day with profit....and so on. They did not asked me to wash those utensils and nor they allowed me to left the restaurant either......after a long discussion with my broken English / Hindi and theirs Tamil....we got into a settlement that I will get the money latter on...only if I part my wristwatch with them. Its really very embarrassing!!! I wouldn't have mind it at all if had it been some other items etc, but in my case its the foodie which I cannot regurgitate (VOMIT-OUT)....So Dear Mylotter what to do in that situation please suggest!!!!
1 response
@malpoa (1216)
• India
8 Sep 09
I have not forgotten to take purse with me, but I have many times lost it during my travel and it has put me in difficult situation. As a kid I used to loose a lot of money, my mother used to say that my hands are like seives!!! The last time I went to buy some gifts for my sister, after the purchase when I opened my bag to take oput cash, I realised that i lost it...Lickily I had this friend with me to pay for me...Other wise it would have been a very embarrasing situation!!1
• India
8 Sep 09
You are really lucky that you had a friend at your side to pay the bill,otherwise you too have had to face the embarrassing situation but you have the option then to return back the item to the shopkeeper while I didn't have that luxury to return back. On the other hand you have said that you have lost money many a time and always you had some friend to help you out, but in my case I had that type of situation only once or very rarely so you need to be very cautious about the fact that you are loosing money now and then. Thanks for your lovely comments
@malpoa (1216)
• India
9 Sep 09
Oh no, not on all occassions I came off well...There were occassions when i lost money and didnt have a penny to pay for my bus back home. And this has happened while I was already in the bus with no acquaintances!!!It had put me in a very difficult situation, wondering what to do...here in buses we either pay before getting out at out place or during the journey, the conductor comes to collect money...I had then asked money from those whom I had never seen before or would never see again.hi hi...now I am more cautious...