Can diapers make baby legs like o legs?

September 9, 2009 1:46pm CST
I dont belive that but maybe im wrong . my mom sayed my sons legs are little bit not stright and hes 14 month old. I dont know if i have to show it to doctor:(
1 response
• United States
9 Sep 09
It's my understanding that nearly all babies are somewhat bowlegged and that it gets better as they mature and start walking, but it can't hurt to get him checked out. My son had hip dysplasia as an infant and had to wear a special harness for about two months. Because we caught it early he was cured, but children who are not helped at an early age sometimes face very painful surgeries to correct the problem. You child should be getting regular checkups anyway, so ask the doctor, he/she can either help the baby if he needs it or ease your mind by re-assuring you that the boy is fine.
• Finland
10 Sep 09
tnx for the answer, yes i allways try to think my boy is just fine i see if he stretch hes legs they are stright and theres no problem but everyone else made me worrie I also know that some point babyboys legs are at the beginning o legs then they go littlebit x legs then as they grow they go stright like normal this what nurse told me. But i might just incase let him checked.