
@picjim (3002)
September 22, 2009 9:11am CST
If you find that your child excels at sport rather than studies would you still force him to go through the academic grind of school, college....... rather than take him to a coach who will be able to bring the best out of the child in his chosen field of play.Please mylotters your advise on this matter is vital.
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5 responses
• India
22 Sep 09
I definitely want him to complete his education because Education has more chances of finding him a better job than sports but at the same time I don't want to force him only on education because if I force him to study much then his mind would be on sports and his studies would also get corrupted so I only wanna him to complete his education and also utilise his free time in sports...
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@picjim (3002)
• India
22 Sep 09
Yes the child ought to divide his time between the two and then he could do reasonably well at both.
• United States
22 Sep 09
If I were this child's parent, I would still let him go through the academic process. Every child has a right to be educated. Also, it is not impossible for sports and studies to coexist. They are actually a great combination since a sufficient amount of physical activity is good for the brain. At school, he could join some varsity team and undergo training with the varsity's coach. Most great athletes of today actually started from there.
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@picjim (3002)
• India
22 Sep 09
What you say is true but what if the child was average at studies and good at games.
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
22 Sep 09
The education is most important! This has been proven over and over! They need the degree! If something happened to them, their sports career could end in a heart beat! then what? tdemex
@picjim (3002)
• India
22 Sep 09
You've made a very valid point.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
22 Sep 09
I would certainly encourage his education, no matter which sport he excels in that life a player is limited by physical age. Also sports no matter how good you are is a very chancy life, it takes great luck to get to the top of any sport and I would want my child to have some other ability to fall back on in order to make a living.
@picjim (3002)
• India
23 Sep 09
What you say is very true the child can fall back on his other skills in case he doesn't make it in sports.
@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Regardless what his/her achievement in academic, I'll make sure he/she make it to a certain level. Education is vital and they may need the certificates in their future. It may cost an arm or leg but it's a must for them to make it through until they're 17. I don't mind if he/she is excel in sport but they can't neglect their studies.
@picjim (3002)
• India
22 Sep 09
The child has to do well in studies before he gets a chance to play.